Cuda 12000 IP Access Switch CLI-based Administration Guide
Cable Modem and MTA Command Output Descriptions 531
Table 21-8 docsIfUpstreamChannelTable Parameters
CLI Output Description
docsIfUpChannelId CMTS identification of the upstream channel
within this particular MAC interface. If the
interface is down, the most current value
displays. If the channel ID is unknown, a
value of zero displays.
docsIfUpChannelFrequency Center of the downstream frequency, in
hertz, associated with this channel. This
object returns a value of zero if the
frequency is undefined or unknown,
docsIfUpChannelWidth Bandwidth, in hertz, of this upstream
Modulation profile for this upstream
docsIfUpChannelSlotSize Number of 6.25 microsecond ticks in each
upstream mini-slot.
docsIfUpChannelTxTimingOffset Timing, in units of 6.25 microseconds, of
cable modem upstream transmissions to
ensure synchronized arrivals at the CMTS.
The value indicates the current round trip
time at the cable modem or the maximum
round trip time seen at the CMTS.
Initial random backoff window to use when
retrying ranging requests. This is expressed
as power of 2. For example, a value of 16 at
the CMTS indicates that a proprietary
adaptive retry mechanism is to be used.
Final random backoff window to use when
retrying ranging requests. Expressed as a
power of 2. For example, a value of 16 at
the CMTS indicates that a proprietary
adaptive retry mechanism is to be used.
docsIfUpChannelTxBackoffStart Initial random backoff window to use when
retrying transmissions. This is expressed as
power of 2. For example, a value of 16 at
the CMTS indicates that a proprietary
adaptive retry mechanism is to be used.