ADC Telecommunications, Inc.
586 A
pos report sd-ber interface:pos:csi Configures the POS interface to
report when the B2 signal
degrades to meet or cross a
specified Bit Error Rate (BER).
pos report sf-ber interface:pos:csi Configures the POS interface to
report a failure when the B2 signal
degrades to meet or cross a
specified Bit Error Rate (BER).
pos report slof interface:pos:csi Configures the POS interface to
report section loss of frame errors.
pos report slos interface:pos:csi Configures the POS interface to
report loss of signal (SLOS) errors.
pos scramble interface:pos:csi Configures payload scrambling on
the current SONET interface.
pos threshold sd-ber <number> interface:pos:csi Sets the threshold values
associated with both the signal
degrade bit error rates (BERs)
pos threshold sf-ber <number> interface:pos:csi Sets the threshold values
associated with both the signal
failure bit error rates (BERs) alarms
ppp authentication chap interface:pos:csi Enables authentication on the
current POS interface to user
CHAP authentication.
ppp authentication chap pap interface:pos:csi Enables the interface to negotiate
the authentication protocol to use.
It will try first to agree on CHAP
ppp authentication pap interface:pos:csi Enables the interface to use PAP
ppp authentication pap chap interface:pos:csi Enables the interface to negotiate
the authentication protocol to use.
It will try first to agree on PAP
ppp chap-hostname <name> interface:pos:csi Configures the username with
which the POS interface responds
to Challenge Handshake Protocol
(CHAP) challenges.
Command Mode Description