ADCP-75-192 • Issue 2 • June 2007
Page 55
© 2007, ADC Telecommunications, Inc.
• In the event that a spare CPU cannot be updated because of the above restriction, the CPU
will have to be upgraded on a standalone chassis that is not resident on the fielded system
or be returned to the factory for upgrading.
• It is NOT possible to update a spare Hub Master CPU while the fielded system's Hub
Master is still installed, because two Hub Masters in the same domain will cause chaos on
the network. The only way to update the software on a spare Hub Master CPU in a fielded
system is to unplug the Ethernet cable from the original Hub Master CPU and plug that
cable into the spare Hub Master CPU. When the upgrade of the spare Hub Master CPU is
complete, the Ethernet cable can be plugged back into the original Hub Master CPU.
4.6 MIB Extraction
MIB extraction is needed to update the NMS after a software update:
• Once the software upgrade is complete, FTP to one of the updated CPUs, logging in as
username = operator and password = operate.
• Change to the MIB directory by entering: cd /usr/share/mibs/transept/
• Extract/get all of the MIB text files located there by entering: mget TRANSCEPT-*.txt,
answering yes to each prompt.
• Extracting the MIBs in this fashion will ensure that the correct and compatible versions of
all of MIBs are compiled into the NMS.
• Alternatively, the MIBs can all be extracted in the form of a tarball by executing the
following steps:
• FTP to one of the updated CPUs, logging in as username = operator and password =
• Change to the directory containing the ADC MIBs directory by entering:
cd /usr/share/mibs/
• Bundle and zip all the MIBs into a tarball and extract them by entering: get
Caution: It is highly recommended that spare CPUs not slated for immediate installation are
upgraded in a dedicated chassis in a depot or warehouse environment.