ADCP-75-192 • Issue 2 • June 2007
Page 59
© 2007, ADC Telecommunications, Inc.
4.7.8 Hub Overpower Protection
Hub Overpower Protection (HOP) is a software function to control the output levels of the FSC.
HOP periodically measures the FSC output power. If the power exceeds a target level (-3.5
dBFS), HOP will decrease the FSC output gain until the power level is below the allowable
threshold. HOP will continue to monitor the FSC Output Power until the level drops sufficiently
to allow the gain level to be returned to normal.
If HOP is required to take autonomous action on any of the FSC output, a HOP Status field in
the FSC MIB will be set such that the NMS report the condition and an operator can take
corrective action. This MIB entry can be found as follows:
Status values include hopActive and hopInactive. See the “SNMP Agent and Fault Isolation
Guide” guide for details.