ADCP-50-304 • Issue 19 • June 1999 • Section 1: Introduction
Page 1-8
© 1999, ADC Telecommunications, Inc.
2.2.11 Blank Panel (PSM-09)
This panel is used in chassis module positions in lieu of a module. The panel is a two piece
assembly secured to the chassis by two mounting screws.
2.2.12 Test Module (PSM-12)
Test Module PSM-12 is normally mounted in the slot position 17 of the PS chassis, but may be
mounted in any slot to the left of position 17 (1 through 16). This module provide the user with
RS-232/V.24 interface capabilities and status monitoring for eight (8) leads and alarm
conditions. The module contains three female RS-232/V.24 ports (one on the front panel and
two on the rear of the module) and a patch jack. All four connectors are hardwired in parallel.
The eight RS-232/V.24 leads monitored for status include: TD; RD; DCD; SQ; RTS; CTS;
DSR; and DTR. Each lead contains an associated LED indicator, located on the front panel,
which turns on when the signal is active (or high). An adjustable alarm circuit with associated
LED (ALM) is also provided to inform the user when a preselected alarm condition exits. After
an alarm conditions occurs, the alarm circuit may be reset by the operator touching the finger
reset (RST) switch. A toggle switch is also provided to enable/disable the alarm LED.
2.2.13 Test Module (PSM-13)
Test Module PSM-13 is normally mounted in slot 17 of the PS chassis, but may be mounted in
any slot to the left of position 17 (1 through 16). This module provides the user with interface
capabilities to spare devices or test equipment. The front panel of the Test Module contains one
female DB25 port and one patch jack. The rear of the module at slot position 17 contains two
female RS-232/V.24 ports. All four connectors are hardwired in parallel.
2.2.14 PatchSwitch Chassis AC Power Supply (PSW-000001)
This power supply is a plug-in unit used when the power source is from 90 to 240 Vac, 48-63
Hz. This power supply has a six pin in-line connector for use with chassis PSC-01 and PSC-02.
2.2.15 PatchSwitch Chassis AC Power Supply (PSW-000003)
This power supply is a plug-in unit used when the power supply source is from 90 to 240 Vac,
48-63 Hz. This power supply has a nine pin square connector for use with chassis RDC-01 and
2.2.16 Standard Patch Cords (PMPC-X)
The standard patch cords used with the PC chassis modules are described in Table 1-2.