ADCP-50-304 • Issue 19 • June 1999 • Section 7: Operation
Page 7-22
© 1999, ADC Telecommunications, Inc.
6.24 Request Super Chassis Command (SC Command)
The SC (Super Chassis) command is a quick-switch feature used by the remote control device
(terminal) to simultaneously select multiple chassis. This command is normally used in
conjunction with a subsequent AB or AL command to perform AB switching and/or to enable
alarm reporting after the chassis are selected. All chassis selected by the SC command, have their
status response “silenced”. That is, status is not provided by any chassis selected as a result of the
SC command. All chassis specified for selection in the command become activated immediately
upon receiving the SC command.
For example, when the command “SC,00,0l,02,04” is issued, chassis numbers (chassis
identifiers) 00, 01, 02 and 04 are selected. Similarly, if the command “SC,ALL” is issued, all
chassis in the system are immediately selected and all status responses are silenced. Each chassis
specified by the SC command operates independently from all other chassis in the system.
All chassis in the system not selected by the SC command are de-selected.
Table 7-9 describes the syntax for the command string parameters and defines the operations
performed by the SC command. Examples of the valid subsequent commands AB and AL are
also shown.
Only the AB, AL and IN commands are valid commands associated with the SC
Table 7-9. Request Super Chassis, SC Command String Parameters and Definitions
Select Chassis and
Execute Command
SC ,x ,x,x
Used in conjunction with the AB, IN and AL commands to
cause multiple chassis operations.
Where: SC — Select super chassis.
x — Chassis address number. Range 00 through
07 and ALL are valid.
Any number of chassis may be selected. Subsequent com-
mands cause operations on the selected chassis’ modules.
Select all chassis.
Request to Switch
AB ,w,x,y,z#
Refer to Request to Switch Module definitions listed in
Table 7-8.
Where: AB - Indicates a switch request.
w = namslot
x = numslot
y = numskip
z = action (0, 1, or 2)
# — Execute immediately