Chapter 5: Configuring System Parameters
Avidia System Configuration and Management User Manual 87
Configuring the System Contact
The system contact information makes it easy for you to quickly identify who to contact
regarding the system. From the ::system=> prompt, type the contact command in the
following format then press .
contact (<contact>|"<contact with spaces>")
The contact text string can contain any characters and can be any length, up to 256
characters. However, if you include quotation marks in the contact text string, the
quotation marks must be preceded by a backward slash (\). You can use multiple words
separated by an underscore.
<contact with spaces>
The contact with spaces text string can contain any characters and can be any
length, up to 256 characters. You can use multiple words separated by spaces. If you
include quotation marks in the contact with spaces text string, the quotation marks
must be preceded by a backward slash (\).
::system=> contact John_Smith (Sets the contact name to John_Smith.)
::system=> contact "John Smith" (Sets the contact name to John Smith.)
::system=> contact \"John_Smith\" (Sets the contact name to "John_ Smith".)