Chapter 6: Configuring Subscriber Services
Avidia System Configuration and Management User Manual 111
::adsl=> show 4.1
::adsl=> show
The following screen illustrates an example of both show adsl commands. In addition to
displaying the configured parameters, it also displays the line coding and line type.
SDSL frame line profiles contain a preconfigured set of parameters, including the rate
adaptation mode and the transmit rate. SDSL frame port configuration requires you to apply an
SDSL frame line profile to the line. Therefore you must configure the desired SDSL frame line
profile before configuring the SDSL frame port. A default profile exists with an index of 1. You
cannot delete the default profile.
You configure SDSL frame line profiles from the ::line=> prompt. From the ::root=>
prompt, type the following command then press to display the ::line=> prompt.
configuration sdsl frame profile line
::adsl=> show
Line Alarm Admin
Port Coding Type Profile Profile Status
4.1 DMT Physical/Interleave 1 1 up
4.2 DMT Physical/Interleave 3 7 down
4.3 DMT Physical/Interleave 8 2 up
::adsl=> show 4.1
Line Alarm Admin
Port Coding Type Profile Profile Status
4.1 DMT Physical/Interleave 1 1 up