User Guide
Creating pop-up menus
Pop-up menus are displayed in a browser when the user moves a pointer over or clicks a triggering web object, such
as a slice or hotspot. You can attach URL links to pop-up menu items for navigation. For example, you can use pop-
up menus to organize several navigation options that are related to a button in a nav bar. You can create as many
submenu levels as you like in pop-up menus.
Each pop-up menu item appears as an HTML or image cell, which has an Up state, an Over state, and text in both
states. To preview a pop-up menu, press F12 to preview it in a browser. The previews in the Fireworks workspace do
not display pop-up menus.
About the Pop-up Menu Editor
The Pop-up Menu Editor is a tabbed dialog box that guides you through the creation of a pop-up menu. Its many
options for controlling the characteristics of a pop-up menu are organized in four tabs:
Content has options for determining the basic menu structure, as well as the text, URL link, and target for each menu
Appearance contains options that determine the appearance of each menu cell’s Up state and Over state, as well as
the menu’s vertical and horizontal orientation.
Advanced contains options that determine the cell dimensions, padding, and spacing; the cell border width and
color; menu delay; and text indention.
Position contains options that determine the menu and submenu placement:
• The Menu setting places the pop-up menu relative to the slice. Preset positions include bottom, lower right, top,
and upper right of a slice.
• The Submenu setting places the pop-up submenu to the right or lower right of the parent menu, or below it.