User Guide
A. Saved set of options for the selected export B. File size and download time estimates C. Preview chosen export settings D. Save export
settings in the active view
You can use split views to compare various settings to find the smallest file size that maintains an acceptable level of
quality. You can also constrain the file size using the Optimize to Size wizard.
When you export animated GIFs or JavaScript rollovers, the estimated file size represents the total size across all
Note: To increase redraw speed of the Image Preview, deselect Preview. To stop the redraw of the preview area when
changing settings, press Escape.
To export using Image Preview:
1 Select File > Image Preview to open the Image Preview.
• To edit optimization settings, click the Options tab. For information about the options available on this tab, see
the following procedures.
• To edit the size and area of the exported image, click the File tab and change the desired settings. For information
about the options available on this tab, see the following procedures.
• To edit animation settings for the image, click the Animation tab and change the desired settings. For information
about the options available on this tab, see the following procedures.
2 Use the Zoom button at the bottom of the dialog box to zoom in or out in the preview. Click this button to
activate the Zoom magnification tool and then click in the preview to magnify the preview. Alt-click (Windows) or
Option-click (Macintosh) the button in the preview to zoom out.
3 Do one of the following to pan the preview area:
• Click the Pointer button at the bottom of the dialog box and drag in the preview.
• Hold down the Spacebar when the Zoom pointer is active and drag in the preview.
4 Click a split-view button to divide the preview area into two or four previews to compare settings.
Each preview window can display a preview of the graphic with different export settings.