
Attendant Console LED
A lighted green Alarm LED on the console indicates the presence of a
Permanent System Alarm. The LED flashes with each new alarm. The attendant
can press the associated button to cause the LED to light steadily. A lighted red
Alarm LED indicates a barrier code violation.
Power Supply LED
A lighted green LED on the power supply indicates normal power operation.
Switches and Test Points
The power switch on the back of the cabinet controls cabinet ac power and
should be left in the “On” position (1 =
“On”), except when otherwise indicated.
The system has no other field accessible switches, fuses, or circuit breakers.
The power supply contains its own fuses, but these are not field replaceable.
The test points (-5 V, +5 V, 48 V, and GNU) for the power supply are located on
the upper right corner at the front of the cabinet.
System Administration Terminal
The SAT used to administer the system may also be used to read and clear the
error log tables. The error log is read by logging on the SAT, selecting the main
menu item “SEARCH,” and then selecting the table to be read (that is,
Permanent System Alarms, Transient System Errors, or Most Recent System
Errors). To log on the SAT and access an error table, refer to the procedures
provided in “Error Log.”
Remote Initialization and Maintenance (RIM)
The Remote Initial
provides an AT&T
feature, the technic
and maintenance.
ization and Maintenance
technician remote access
an can do System 25 initialization, ongoing administration,
Service (RIMS) (R2V1 or R3)
to System 25. Using the RIMS
The RIMS port is a logical port on the ZTN129 or
ZTN130/ZTNl 42 (R3) CPU/Memory circuit pack:
November 1995