Control Port Operation HDSL2 for General Distribution Installation and Maintenance Practice
34 61223HDSL2L2-5B
Terminal Modes
The module used in this example includes two terminal emulation modes.
• Manual Update Mode - This mode is used to manually update the screens. This mode
supports efficient print screen and log file utilities for storage of key provisioning
parameters, alarm or performance history and current system status. The message “3
SPACES TO UPDATE” appears at the top of each screen. By pressing the spacebar three
times, the screen will be refreshed and will reflect the most current circuit conditions and
provisioning options.
• Real-Time Update Mode (VT100) - This mode provides real-time updating of HDSL2 circuit
conditions and provisioning options as changes occur. The default mode is Real-Time
The desired terminal mode can be selected from the Terminal Modes Menu, illustrated in
Figure 34. Additionally, pressing
CTRL+T while on any screen can toggle the two terminal
Figure 34. Terminal Mode Screen
The Manual Update Mode is not available on the Total Access 3000
Circuit ID:HNTSVLALHDSL2 03/01/05 09:29:45
Press ESC to return to previous menu
* You can print or log screens
* No text is highlighted
* "3 SPACES TO UPDATE" appears at the top of each screen,
reminding you to press the spacebar 3 times to update the screen
* There is a delay between screen changes & updates
* After 30 min. of no interaction, a new baud rate search is begun
* Ignores input until screen is finished printing.
* Faster of the two modes
* You cannot print screens to a log file
* Highlighting is enabled
* Recommended for daily operation
Press CTRL+T to toggle update modes on any screen.