
Dielectric Resonator or Dielectrically Stabilized Oscillator. Highly stable oscillator
circuit employed by LNBs and BDCs (block downconverter).
Dynamic Tunnel Configuration Protocol. The DTCP protocol is a lightweight
datagram protocol.
Digital Video Broadcasting. A group of over 200 organisations from 23 countries
which developed system specifications for the transmission of MPEG-2 digital signals
by satellite, cable and terrestrial links. These specifications were passed through the
European Telecommunications standards Institute to form an ETSI standard.
Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol. A protocol for gateways that uses a dense
mode IP multicast scheme. It is based on RIP and uses IGMP to exchange routing
datagrams with neighboring gateways. (see RFC 1812).
Taking data formatted for one protocol and enclosing it within another protocol in
order to transmit the data successfully accross a type of network the original protocol
was not designed for.
Using cryptography to encode data for security purposes for transmission over a public
network. The original text, or plain text, is converted into a coded equivalent called
ciphertext via an encryption algorithm. The ciphertext is decoded (decrypted) at the
receiving end with the use of a decryption key.
Ethernet is the most widely used local area network (LAN) technology. The original
and most popular version of Ethernet supports a data transmission rate of 10 Mb/s.
“Newer versions of Ethernet called fast“Ethernet and Gigabit Ethernet support data
rates of 100 Mb/s and 1 Gb/s (1000 Mb/s). An Ethernet LAN may use coaxial cable,
special grades of twisted pair wiring, or fiber optic cable. Bus and Star wiring
configurations are supported. Ethernet devices compete for access to the network using
a protocol called Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection (CSMA/CD).
Forward Error Correction. A technique for improving the robustness of data
transmission. Excess bits are included in the outgoing data stream so that error-
correction algorithms can be applied upon reception.
A category of memory chips that hold their content without electrical power and
include ROM, PROM, EPROM, and EEPROM technologies.
Flash card
A type of memory storage device approximately the size of a matchbox, capable of
recording several megabytes of (usually compressed) digitized audio files or data files.