Installing the IPR-S1000
I About the installation section
1. Document objectives
This installation section explains the preparation for installation as well
as the configuration procedures for the IPR-S1000. It also gives you
information concerning the IPR-S1000 start up and troubleshooting.
2. Audience
To use this publication, it is recommended to be familiar with cabling,
electronic circuitry and wiring practices.
3. Document organization
This installation section provides easy-to-use instructions and
explanations. The chapters are organized as follows:
• Preparing for installation
It is a preparatory chapter that describes safety recommendations,
material verification and site requirements. It also enumerates the
procedures you should perform before the actual installation.
• Installing the IPR-S1000
It provides instructions for connecting the cables and configuring
hyper-terminal. It also explains the initial configuration process.
4. Document conventions
The document uses the following conventions:
Caution Means reader be careful. In this situation, you might
do something that could result in equipment damage or loss
of data.
Warning Means danger. You are in a situation that could
cause bodily injury. Before working on an equipment, be
aware of the hazards involved with electrical circuitry .
Note: Means reader take note. Notes contain helpful suggestions.