Appendix C. Acronyms/Abbreviations
61200217L1-1 T3SU 300 User Manual C-3
OOF................... out of frame
OOS................... out of service
PCV ................... P-bit coding violation
PES .................... P-bit errored seconds
POP ................... point of presence
PPP .................... point-to-point protocol
PSES.................. P-bit severely errored seconds
PSTN................. public switched telephone network
PVC ................... permanent virtual circuit
RD ..................... receive data
RDL................... remote digital loopback
RL ...................... remote loopback
RMA.................. return material authorization
RS ...................... request to send
RTS.................... request to send
Rx....................... receive
SEFS.................. severely errored framing seconds
SES .................... severely errored seconds
SLIP................... serial line internet protocol
SNMP ............... simple network management protocol
SR ...................... data set ready
SW56 ................. switched 56
sync ................... synchronous
TA ...................... terminal equipment available
TD...................... transmit data
TDM.................. time division multiplexing
TM..................... test mode
TR ...................... data terminal ready
Tx....................... transmit
UAS................... unavailable seconds
WAN.................. wide area network