
Section 5 User Interface Guide TRACER 6000 Series Integrated System Manual
64 Copyright © 2005 ADTRAN, Inc. 612806420L1-1F
Sets the band plan for the TRACER 64x0. Each frequency plan is divided into three band plans (1, 2, or 3).
Both local and remote TRACER 64x0 systems must be configured with the same band plan (1, 2, or 3) but
different frequency plans (A or B). For example, the transmitter at one end of the link will transmit in band
plan 1 of frequency plan A (the lower portion of the spectrum) and receive in band plan 1 of frequency
plan B (the upper portion). Consequently, the receiver at the other end should receive in band plan 1 of
frequency plan A (the lower portion) and transmit in band plan 1 of frequency plan B (the upper portion).
(Refer to Figure 6 (TRACER 6410) Figure 7 (TRACER 6420) for the divisions.) The TRACER 64x0
comes factory programmed with RF band plan set to Band 1.
Figure 6. 2.4 GHz Bandwidth Division
Figure 7. 5.8 GHz Bandwidth Division
When changing RF band plans on installed links, change the remote end first. If the local
end is changed first, remote configuration capability is lost. In the event the local end is
changed first and the link is dropped, reset the local end to the previous setting to restore
the link.
Channel A
2419 2441.752422 24252400 MHz 2483.5 MHz
Bandplan 3Bandplan 1
Channel B
2459 2462 2465
Bandplan 3Bandplan 1
Frequency Plan A
57445725 5787 58505747 5751MHz MHz
Band plan 3Band plan 2Band plan 1
Frequency Plan B
5824 5827 5831
Band plan 3Band plan 2Band plan 1