37 Chapter 4 Macro Key Programming
4.4 How to use SFED8248.COM
First, boot your system under pure DOS mode (not DOS shell in win-
dows) and copy all the files to your hard disk and/or make a backup disk.
Then start the macro editor. You will have to specify either an existing
macro script file or a new macro script file. Here we will create a new file
by typing SFED8248 NEWKEY.TXT [ENTER].
The following screen will appear:
Figure 4.1: The Macro Editor screen
When you have finished editing, press the ESC key. At the bottom line of
the screen you will be prompted to choose if you want to save the file
and/or if you want to transmit it to the EEPROM.
After confirmation with the Enter key, the tasks are carried out and you
return to DOS.
Advantech Workstation Special Function Key Edit Program Rev. 11/16/1995
Table of Control Codes : Example : SF5 =CD\WINDOWS[33]WIN[33]
3 Sec [84]
1 Hour [89]
END [3D]
INS [40]
DEL [41]
SF1 to SF10 = [70] to [79]
ESC [36]
F4 [47]
F8 [4B]
F12 [4F]
[ [30]
F1 [44]
F5 [48]
F9 [4C]
] [31]
F2 [45]
F6 [49]
F10 [4D]
BS [35]
F3 [46]
F7 [4A]
F11 [4E]
Key delay Mode :
TAB [24]
ALT [26]
SHIFT [27]
CTRL [28]
0.1 Sec [80]
5 Sec [85]
0.5 Sec [81]
10 Sec [86]
1 Sec [82]
30 Sec [87]
2 Sec [83]
1 Min [88]
SF1 =
SF2 =
SF3 =
SF4 =
SF5 =
SF6 =
SF7 =
SF8 =
SF9 =
SF10 =
KBT ID:AD111695