53 Appx. B
Line regulation:
The output line regulation for each output is less than ±1%, when mea-
sured at each output’s respective rated load and under ±10% changing
input voltage conditions.
Load regulation:
The values for each of the following output numbers were obtained by
changing each output load ±40% from the 60% rated load, whilst simulta-
neously keeping all other outputs at 60% of their respective rated loads.
Table B.4: 24 V
power supply load regulation
Output No OutputMin. load Rated loadPeak load Voltage accuracy
1 +5 V 1.0 A 25 A 30 A 4.90 ~ 5.10 V
2 +12 V 0 A 10 A 12 A 11.28 ~ 12.72 V
3 -12 V 0 A 1 A 2 A -11.40 ~ -12.60V
4 -5 V 0 A 1 A 2 A -4.75 ~ -5.25 V
Power good signal:
When the power is turned on, the power good signal will activate 100 to
500 ms after all output DC voltages are operating within their respective
regulation limits.
Power fail signal:
This will activate at least 0.5 ms before any of the output voltages fall
below their respective regulation limits.