Agilent 81133A/81134A Pulse Generator User’s Guide, January 2005 27
Setting Up Generic and Advanced
The intention of this chapter is to give the necessary steps to set up
generic and advanced signals for first-time users of the Agilent
81133A/81134A Pulse Generator.
Examples are given for the following types of signals:
• “Setting Up a Clock Signal” on page 28
• “Setting Up a Pulse Signal” on page 36
• “Setting Up a Data Pattern” on page 40
• “Setting Up a Burst Signal” on page 46
• “Setting Up a Repetitive Burst Signal” on page 52
• “Setting Up Signals for a Stressed Eye Diagram Measurement” on
page 58
All these signals can be set up either by using the user interface, or by
sending SCPI commands. In the following examples, both are
It is intended that you work through the example in the order in which
they appear. The first example therefore provides the most detailed
instructions, while the other examples are described in less detail.
NOTE For all examples, the Agilent 81134A Pulse Generator (with two
channels) is used.