4 Agilent 81133A/81134A Pulse Generator User’s Guide, January 2005
Setting Up Generic and Advanced Signals 27
Setting Up a Clock Signal 28
Using the Graphical User Interface 29
Using the Remote Programming Interfaces 35
Setting Up a Pulse Signal 36
Using the Graphical User Interface 36
Using the Remote Programming Interfaces 39
Setting Up a Data Pattern 40
Using the Graphical User Interface 40
Using the Remote Programming Interfaces 45
Setting Up a Burst Signal 46
Using the Graphical User Interface 46
Using the Remote Programming Interfaces 51
Setting Up a Repetitive Burst Signal 52
Using the Graphical User Interface 52
Using the Remote Programming Interfaces 57
Setting Up Signals for a Stressed Eye Diagram
Connecting the Instruments 59
Setting Up the 81134A by Using the Graphical User Interface 60
Setting Up the 33250A Waveform Generator 63
Viewing the Eye Diagram on the 86100 DCA 63
Play with the Settings 64
Using the Agilent 81133A/81134A Pulse Generator 65
Pages of the User Interface 66
Combining Parameters for Signal Generation 68
Instrument Modes 68
Pattern Modes 70
Signal Modes 71
Variable Crossover 72
Clock Sources 73
Start Mode 75
Trigger Out 75