22 Agilent 6000 Series Oscilloscopes Programmer’s Quick Start Guide
2 Getting Started
Capturing Data with the :DIGitize Command
The :DIGitize command captures data that meets the specifications set up by
the :ACQuire subsystem. When the digitize process is complete, the acquisition
is stopped. The captured data can then be measured by the instrument or
transferred to the controller for further analysis. The captured data consists of
two parts: the waveform data record, and the preamble.
When you send the :DIGitize command to the oscilloscope, the specified
channel signal is digitized with the current :ACQuire parameters. To obtain
waveform data, you must specify the :WAVeform parameters for the SOURce
channel, the FORMat type, and the number of POINts prior to sending the
:WAVeform:DATA? query.
The number of data points comprising a waveform varies according to the
number requested in the :ACQuire subsystem. The :ACQuire subsystem
determines the number of data points, type of acquisition, and number of
averages used by the :DIGitize command. This allows you to specify exactly
what the digitized information contains.
Ensure New Data is Collected
When you change the oscilloscope configuration, the waveform buffers are cleared. Before
doing a measurement, send the :DIGitize command to the oscilloscope to ensure new data
has been collected.
Set :TIMebase:MODE to MAIN or DELayed when using :DIGitize
:TIMebase:MODE must be set to MAIN or DELayed to perform a :DIGitize command or to
perform any :WAVeform subsystem query. A "Settings conflict" error message will be
returned if these commands are executed when MODE is set to ROLL or XY. Sending the
*RST (reset) command will set the time base mode to main.