Getting Started 2
Agilent 6000 Series Oscilloscopes Programmer’s Quick Start Guide 23
The following program example shows a typical setup:
myScope.WriteString ":ACQUIRE:TYPE AVERAGE"
myScope.WriteString ":ACQUIRE:COMPLETE 100"
myScope.WriteString ":ACQUIRE:COUNT 8"
myScope.WriteString ":DIGITIZE CHANNEL1"
myScope.WriteString ":WAVEFORM:FORMAT BYTE"
myScope.WriteString ":WAVEFORM:POINTS 500"
myScope.WriteString ":WAVEFORM:DATA?"
This setup places the instrument into the averaged mode with eight averages.
This means that when the :DIGitize command is received, the command will
execute until the signal has been averaged at least eight times.
After receiving the :WAVeform:DATA? query, the instrument will start passing
the waveform information.
Digitized waveforms are passed from the instrument to the controller by
sending a numerical representation of each digitized point. The format of the
numerical representation is controlled with the :WAVeform:FORMat command
and may be selected as BYTE, WORD, or ASCii.
The easiest method of transferring a digitized waveform depends on data
structures, formatting available and I/O capabilities. You must scale the
integers to determine the voltage value of each point. These integers are
passed starting with the left most point on the instrument’s display.
For more information, see the waveform subsystem commands and
corresponding program code examples in the online Programmer’s Reference.
Aborting a Digitize Operation Over GPIB
When using GPIB, you can abort a digitize operation by sending a Device Clear over the bus
(for example, myScope.IO.Clear).