How to set up a KEYGROUP Program
Click on the Program Edit tab in the MPC software. Click on the PROG field to open a pop-up
menu and choose Add Program. Type a desired program name and choose KEYGROUP as
Program Type. Click on OK to create a KEYGROUP program. To load samples into a
KEYGROUP program, proceed as follows:
X Press the BROWSER button on your MPC hardware. Locate the desired sample and click on
F6 (Open) to load it. The sample is now loaded into the current Project. Now press PROG
EDIT. Click on the F1 (Master) button and use the Q13 Q-Link knob on your MPC hardware to
assign the sample from the Project Information to the KEYGROUP program.
The Master section in the PROG EDIT display of the MPC hardware for a Keygroup Program
In the MPC software, locate the desired sample in the File Browser and double click it. The
sample is now loaded in the current Project. Now click on the Program Edit tab. Click on the
Layer 1 SAMPLE pop-up display to choose and assign a sample from the Project Information to
the KEYGROUP program.
The loaded sample can now be played chromatically with the pads or a connected MIDI keyboard.
X Press the PROG EDIT button on your MPC hardware. Click on F1 (Master). With the Q9, Q5
and Q1 Q-Link knobs on your MPC hardware you can load additional samples to your existing
one. These samples are placed in Layers.
In the MPC software, click on the Program Edit tab. With the pop-up menus of Layer 2 to Layer 4
you can assign up to four samples – that were loaded into the Project Information beforehand -
e.g. to create velocity layers.
To create complex KEYGROUP Programs, you can add more KEYGROUPS (up to 128). This is
useful when working with multi-samples, e.g. when programming a real piano.
 Keep in mind: A KEYGROUP Program offers up to 128 KEYGROUPS. Each KEYGROUP can
hold up to four samples (Layer 1 to 4). This is a total of 512 samples.