6. NUMERIC KEYPAD – If the selected field in the DISPLAY is a number, use these numbered
buttons as a standard numeric keypad to enter a value. Press the keypad's ENTER to enter
7. UNDO / REDO – Press this button to undo your last action. You can undo up to 200 actions.
Hold down SHIFT and press this button to redo the last action you undid.
8. Q-LINK KNOBS – Use these touch-sensitive knobs to adjust various parameters and
settings. The LEDs surrounding each knob indicate the knob's current position.
9. Q-LINK TRIGGER – Hold this button down, then touch one of the Q-LINK KNOBS to make
that knob's parameter's value jump to its minimum or maximum (depending on the Trig
parameter in the MPC software).
10. PADS – Use these pads to trigger drum hits or other samples in your software. The pads are
velocity-sensitive and pressure-sensitive, which makes them very responsive and intuitive to
play. The pads will light up different colors, depending on how hard you play them (ranging
from yellow at a low velocity to red at the highest velocity). To disable (or re-enable) these
lights, press PAD ASSIGN then F6 (Velo Col).
11. PAD BANK BUTTONS – These 4 buttons switch among Pad Banks A – H. Between these 8
banks with 16 pads per bank, you can access up to 128 MIDI events using the pads.
12. PAD ASSIGN / PAD COPY – Press this button to assign a sample to a pad. In the display,
the 4x4 grid that appears represents the 16 pads. Use the CURSOR BUTTONS to navigate
through the grid, and use the DATA DIAL or -/+ buttons to select a Program (when the
Program field is highlighted) or a sample (when a pad is highlighted). Hold down SHIFT and
press this button to copy the samples and parameters from one pad to another. Use the
CURSOR BUTTONS to select the From Pad ("source") or To Pads ("destination") field and
hit a pad to select it (you can copy to multiple pads). Use the F-BUTTONS to confirm or
cancel the operation.
13. FULL LEVEL / HALF LEVEL – Press this button to activate/deactivate Full Level. When
activated, the pads always play back at a maximum velocity (127), no matter how hard or
soft you hit them. Hold down SHIFT and press this button activate/deactivate Half Level.
When activated, the pads always play back at a half velocity (63).
14. 16 LEVEL – Press this button to activate/deactivate 16 Level. When activated, the last pad
that was hit will be temporarily copied to all 16 pads. The pads will now output the same note
number as the initial pad, but a selectable parameter will be fixed at the values shown in the
diagram on the right, regardless of how hard you hit them. The available parameters are
velocity, tuning, filter, layer, attack or decay.
15. NOTE REPEAT / LATCH – Hold this button down and press a pad to retrigger that pad's
sample at a rate based on the current Tempo and Time Correct settings (the available Time
Correct settings will appear in the display, which you can select with the F-BUTTONS). Hold
down SHIFT and press this button to latch the Note Repeat feature. When latched, the
button does not need to be held down for Note Repeat to be activated. Press NOTE
REPEAT once more to unlatch it.
16. SHIFT – Hold this button down to access some buttons' secondary functions (indicated by
orange writing).