Advanced Configuration
BreezeMAX Wi² and BreezeACCESS Wi² System Manual 77
Set Time Zone – SNTP uses Coordinated Universal Time (or UTC, formerly
Greenwich Mean Time, or GMT) based on the time at the Earth’s prime meridian,
zero degrees longitude. To display a time corresponding to your local time, you
must indicate the number of hours your time zone is located before (east) or after
(west) UTC.
Enable Daylight Saving – The AP provides a way to automatically adjust the
system clock for Daylight Savings Time changes. To use this feature you must
define the month and date to begin and to end the change from standard time.
During this period the system clock is set back by one hour. CLI Commands for SNTP
To enable SNTP support on the AP, from the global configuration mode specify
SNTP server IP addresses using the sntp-server ip command, then use the
sntp-server enable command to enable the service. Use the sntp-server
timezone command to set the time zone for your location, and the sntp-server
daylight-saving command to set daylight savings. To view the current SNTP
settings, use the show sntp command.
The AP also allows you to disable SNTP and set the system clock manually.
Enterprise AP(config)#sntp-server ip 1
Enterprise AP(config)#sntp-server enable 167
Enterprise AP(config)#sntp-server timezone +8 168
Enterprise AP(config)#sntp-server daylight-saving 168
Enter Daylight saving from which month<1-12>: 3
and which day<1-31>: 31
Enter Daylight saving end to which month<1-12>: 10
and which day<1-31>: 31
Enterprise AP(config)#exit
Enterprise AP#show sntp
SNTP Information
Service State : Enabled
SNTP (server 1) IP :
SNTP (server 2) IP :
Current Time : 19 : 35, Oct 10th, 2003
Time Zone : +8 (TAIPEI, BEIJING)
Daylight Saving : Enabled, from Mar, 31st to Oct, 31st
Enterprise AP#