Flash/File Commands
BreezeMAX Wi² and BreezeACCESS Wi² System Manual 185
5.10 Flash/File Commands
These commands are used to manage the system code or configuration files.
5.10.1 bootfile
This command specifies the image used to start up the system.
bootfile <filename>
filename - Name of the image file.
Default Setting
Command Mode
Command Usage
• The file name should not contain slashes (\ or /), the leading letter of the file name should not be
a period (.), and the maximum length for file names is 32 characters. (Valid characters: A-Z, a-z,
0-9, “.”, “-”, “_”)
• If the file contains an error, it cannot be set as the default file.
5.10.2 copy
This command copies a boot file, code image, or configuration file between the
AP’s flash memory and a FTP/TFTP server. When you save the configuration
settings to a file on a FTP/TFTP server, that file can later be downloaded to the AP
to restore system operation. The success of the file transfer depends on the
accessibility of the FTP/TFTP server and the quality of the network connection.
Table 5-11: Flash/File Commands
Command Function Mode Page
bootfile Specifies the file or image used to start up the system GC 185
copy Copies a code image or configuration between flash
memory and a FTP/TFTP server
Exec 185
delete Deletes a file or code image Exec 186
dir Displays a list of files in flash memory Exec 187
show bootfile Displays the name of the current operation code file that
booted the system
Exec 188
Enterprise AP#bootfile -img.bin
Enterprise AP#