EDITION Chapter 2 • 45
Changing How the Home Screen is Sorted
By default, your content is sorted by most recent first, meaning all of the new items and
the content you are currently reading are at the top. To change this option, follow these
1. If you are not already on the Home screen, press the Home button.
2. Move the 5-way up until the Sort Options are underlined.
3. Move the 5-way to the right to see the Sort options.
4. Move the 5-way to underline how you want the items sorted.
5. Press the 5-way to select it. The sort order on the Home screen changes
Tip: If your Home page is sorted alphabetically by either Title or Author, press a letter
key and then press the 5-way to go to the first item starting with that letter.
The Home Screen Menu
The Home screen menu allows you to navigate to other places in Kindle or to perform
specialized tasks. To display the Home screen menu, press the Menu button when your
Home screen is displayed. The list below explains the menu.