EDITION Chapter 3 • 83
5. Make the changes and save the edited file as a text file.
6. Transfer the "My Clippings" file back to the "Documents" folder on your Kindle.
7. Eject your Kindle from your computer before removing the USB cable.
Changing your "My Clippings" file does not affect any notes, bookmarks, or highlights
you've made in the actual content. The next time you read the content, you can still use
them for navigation and reference.
To remove the "My Clippings" file from your Kindle:
1. Press the Home button and use the 5-way to navigate down until "My Clippings" is
2. Use the 5-way to navigate to the left to highlight “delete”.
3. Press the 5-way to confirm.
4. Press the 5-way to select "ok".
Kindle adds a new "My Clippings" file the next time you add a clipping or annotation to
any content.
The amount of text you can add to the "My Clippings" file from each item may be
limited. The "My Clippings" file will include a note informing you if a clipping limit has
been reached for a given item.