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Diesel Fuel Modifier
Improves combustion, fuel efficiency, cold-
weather starting, power and performance.
Cleans injectors, fuel screens, pumps and filters.
For use in diesel-fueled cars and light-duty
trucks. Treats up to 40 gallons.
Stock# Pkg./Size Wt.Lbs. Cost
ADM-BF (1) 16-oz. Bottle 1.2 5.05
ADM-16 (6) 16-oz. Bottles 7.0 29.70
Stock# Pkg./Size Wt.Lbs. Cost
ACB-CN (1) 16-oz. Can 1.3 6.55
ACB-16 (12) 16-oz. Cans 15.0 77.40
Cetane Boost Diesel
Fuel Additive
Improves combustion efficiency to increase
power in diesel engines. Raises Cetane three to
seven numbers. Also improves low-temperature
starting, fuel ignition quality and reliability. Treats
up to 200 gallons.
Gasoline Stabilizer
AMSOIL Gasoline Stabilizer keeps fuel from dete-
riorating during storage. AMSOIL Gasoline Stabi-
lizer reduces the oxidation process and prevents
varnish and gum buildup in gasoline. These conta
minants can clog injectors, stick floats and cause
poor engine performance. Treat rate is one ounce
with every 2.5 gallons of fuel. Treats 40 gallons total.
Stock# Pkg./Size Wt.Lbs. Cost
AST-BF (1) 16-oz. Bottle 1.2 7.00
AST-16 (6) 16-oz. Bottles 7.0 41.40
Diesel Fuel Additive
All-season performance. Lowers diesel fuel gel
point by 20° to 35°F, depending on mix ratio
and fuel quality. Improves the performance,
fuel efficiency and longevity of diesel engines
while reducing deposits, black smoke, emissions
and injector wear. For use in heavy-duty diesel
engines. Treats up to 100 gallons.
Stock# Pkg./Size Wt.Lbs. Cost
ADC-CN (1) 16-oz. Can 1.4 6.20
ADC-16 (12) 16-oz. Cans 17.0 73.20
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