TO ORDER – Call 1-800-956-5695 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Central Time, M - F
Fill in your vehicle information. Then call 1-800-956-5695 or visit www.amsoil.com to
determine your AMSOIL Oil and Air Filters.
Your AMSOIL Oil Filter is SDF-__________ Your AMSOIL Air Filter is TS-___________
AMSOIL can also cross reference filters for your vehicle from the manufacturer and part number of the filters you
are currently using. Call 1-800-956-5695 with this information or order an AMSOIL Oil and Air Filters Application and
Cross Reference Guide (G-194, $5.65) or Motorcycle and ATV Filter Application Guide (G-1768, $1.10).
Order two filters to last the entire year, and save
freight costs too! Change every 6 months or
12,500 miles, whichever comes first.
Super Duty Oil Filter
SDF Filters are composed of a special Cellulose,
Synthetic and Glass Blend Media to provide
longer life and improved efficiency. Perform-
ance tests demonstrated that AMSOIL SDF Fil-
ters provide over 75 percent better combined
efficiency/capacity than other popular filters.
AMSOIL SDF Filters contain a combination of
cellulose, synthetic and glass blend media to
provide longer life and improved efficiency.
An oil pressure relief valve assures proper oil
flow at all times under all operating condi-
tions. Each heavy-duty case has a drawn steel
double-crimp at the base with rolled-under
seaming. A proprietary elastometer anti-drain
back valve keeps dirty oil in the filter when
engine is not running.
Oil Analysis
AMSOIL and its subsidiary OAI Inc. provide
state-of-the-art oil analysis service to its
customers. Customers receive detailed analysis
reports via mail and e-mail. Expert consultation
of oil condition is easily accessible by phone.
Stock# Pkg./Size Wt. Lbs. Cost
G-1451 (1) sample kit (includes two-way postage) 0.1 25.20
G-1318 (1) sample kit 0.1 20.20
G-1206 Oil Suction Pump w/10-ft. hose -- 24.50
G-1571 Replacement Hose 25-ft. -- 11.35
Stock# Wt.Lbs. Cost
Group 1 1.0 10.80
Group 2 1.0 11.50
Group 3 1.0 12.60
Group 4 1.0 14.60
Group 5 2.0 20.35
Group 1
SDF-23, 29, 30, 34, 57
Group 2 SDF-11, 15, 22, 24, 25, 32, 96
Group 3 SDF-10, 20, 36, 42, 44, 45, 52, 64, 84
Group 4 SDF-13, 59, 76
Group 5 SDF-26, 41, 80, 99
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