682XXB/683XXB MM 5-19
Power Supply Tests
Voltages hazardous to life are present throughout the power
supply circuits, even when the front panel LINE switch is in
the STANDBY postion. When performing maintenance, use
utmost care to avoid electrical shock.
Error 105 Power Supply Voltage(s) out of Regulation.
Description: The out of regulation circuit, located on the A15 Regula
tor PCB, monitors all of the regulated power supply outputs. This error
message indicates that one of more of the voltages from the power sup
ply, with the exception of the 5 volt supply, is out of regulation. If the
5 volt supply is faulty, the 682XXB/683XXB will not operate.
Step 1. Measure the regulated voltages at the test points shown in
Table 5-7.
If incorrect for a supply, go to the referenced step.
If incorrect for several supplies, go to step 2.
If all voltages are correct, go to step 3.
Table 5-6. Error Messages 105 and 106 (1 of 10)
to Step
+15VG A15 TP3 A15 TP1 +15V 0.75V 4
–15VG A15 TP9 A15 TP1 –15V 0.75V 4
+15VA A15 TP2 A15 TP1 +15 0.75V 5
–15VA A15 TP7 A15 TP1 –15V 0.75V 5
+15VLP A15 TP12 A15 TP1 +15V 0.75V 6
–15VLP A15 TP13 A15 TP1 –15V 0.75V 6
+15VFM A15 TP8 A15 TP1 +15V 0.75V 7
–15VFM A15 TP11 A15 TP1 –15V 0.75V 7
–18VT A15 TP10 A15 TP1 –18.06V 0.36V 8
–43VT A15 TP15 A15 TP1 –43.1V 0.9V 9
+24VH A15 TP6 A15 TP1 +24.32V 0.5V 10
Table 5-7. Regulated Power Supply Voltages