5-30 682XXB/683XXB MM
Error 110 The 100MHz Reference is not Locked to the High
Stability 10MHz Crystal Oscillator
Description: The reference loop is not phase-locked to the Option 16
high stability 10 MHz crystal oscillator.
Step 1. Disconnect the cable from A3J6.
Step 2. Using an oscilloscope, verify the presence of a 10 MHz signal
at the end of the cable. The signal amplitude should be
³1 volt (into 50W).
If present, replace the A3 PCB.
If not present, replace the Option 16 crystal oscillator
Table 5-8. Error Messages 108, 109 and 110 (2 of 2)
A5 Fine Loop
Error 111 Fine Loop Osc Failed
Description: One or more of the oscillators within the fine loop is not
Step 1. Disconnect cable W121 at A5J5.
Step 2. Using a spectrum analyzer, verify the presence of a +3 dBm
±5 dB, 10 MHz signal at the end of the cable.
If present, go to step 9.
If not present, go to step 3.
Step 3. Disconnect cable W121 at A4J7.
Step 4. Using the spectrum analyzer, verify the presence of the
+3 dBm ±5 dB, 10 MHz signal at A4J7.
If present, replace the cable W121.
If not present, go to step 5.
Step 5. Disconnect cable W105 at A4J6.
Table 5-9. Error Message 111 (1 of 2)