When finished setting the DAC, press
Q on the
keyboard to go to the next calibration step.
When the DAC has been completely adjusted,
the program will exit to the
$ prompt.
g. Record step completion on the Test Record.
5. Internal FM Wide mode sensitivity calibration is
accomplished by adjusting the FM Gain Control
DAC to obtain 200 MHz and 20 MHz FM devia
tions at frequencies of 5 GHz and 15 GHz. Modu
lating signal inputs are from the internal
Function Generator.
Perform the calibration as follows:
At the
$ prompt, type: calterm 143 and
press <ENTER>.
The screen will display the following menu:
1) Toggle polarity (this lets you go from a
positive deviation to negative deviation.)
2) Change DAC value.
3) Quit.
b. On the Spectrum Analyzer, set the Span/Div to
50 MHz per division.
On the computer keyboard, enter
2 to begin
d. On the computer keyboard, use the ‘, 1, 2, and
3 keys to increment and the 7, 8, 9, and 0 keys
to decrement the value of the DAC’s setting.
Start calibration by pressing the ‘ key.
e. While observing the Spectrum Analyzer dis
play, adjust the value of the DAC’s setting to
obtain a 100 MHz change in frequency.
On the keyboard, press
Q to return to the
menu, then enter
1 to toggle the polarity.
g. Measure the change in frequency on the Spec
trum Analyzer. The change in frequency
should be 200 MHz. If not, enter
2 and adjust
the DAC.
h. Repeat steps 5.f and 5.g as necessary to obtain
a 200 MHz frequency change. When finished
adjusting the DAC, press
Q to return to the
i. On the Spectrum Analyzer, set the Span/Div to
5 MHz per division and adjust the center fre
682XXB/683XXB MM 4-41