requiring even greater stability, the 100 MHz refer
ence oscillator can be phase locked to an optional
10 MHz reference (internal or external).
RF Outputs
0.01 to 65 GHz
Refer to the RF Deck block diagram shown in Fig
ure 2-1 (page 2-7) for the following description. The
682XXB/683XXB uses one 2 to 20 GHz YIG-tuned
oscillator. All other frequencies output by the signal
generator are derived from the fundamental fre
quencies generated by this YIG-tuned oscillator.
0.01 to 2 GHz
RF output frequencies of 0.01 to 2 GHz are gener
ated by down converting the fundamental frequen
cies of 6.51 to 8.5 GHz. This is achieved using a
6.5 GHz local oscillator signal that is phase locked
to the 500 MHz output of the Reference Loop. Pre
cise control of the 0.01 to 2 GHz frequencies to
1 kHz (0.1 Hz with Option 11) accuracy is accom-
plished by phase-lock control of the 6.51 to 8.5 GHz
fundamental frequencies prior to down conversion.
20 to 40 GHz
RF output frequencies of 20 to 40 GHz are produced
by doubling the 10 to 20 GHz fundamental frequen-
cies. Phase-lock control of the 10 to 20 GHz funda-
mental frequencies—accomplished prior to doubling
—ensures precise control of the 20 to 40 GHz fre-
quencies to 1 kHz (0.1 Hz with Option 11) resolu
40 to 65 GHz
RF output frequencies of 40 to 65 GHz are devel
oped by quadrupling the 10 to 16.25 GHz fundamen
tal frequencies (refer to Figure 2-5, page 2-22).
Precise control of the 40 to 65 GHz to 1 kHz (0.1 Hz
with Option 11) resolution is achieved by phase-lock
control of the 10 to 16.25 GHz fundamental frequen
cies prior to quadrupling.
0.5 to 2.2 GHz
RF output frequencies of 0.5 to 2.2 GHz for the
682X5B/683X5B models are developed by down con
verting the fundamental frequencies of 2 to 4.4 GHz
(refer to Figure 2-6, page 2-27). Phase-lock control of
the 2 to 4.4 GHz fundamental frequencies, achieved
prior to down converting, ensures precise control of
the 0.5 to 2.2 GHz frequencies to 1 kHz (0.1 Hz with
Option 11) resolution.
682XXB/683XXB MM 2-13