MT8850A / MT8852A Bluetooth Test Set Audio Measurements
(MT8852A only)
Speech length / packet: 30 voice bytes (3.75 ms of speech)
Payload length: 240 bits
FEC: None
Transmission rate: Every third TX time slot
8. Move the cursor to “Air code format”, and select the required type. When the packet
type is selected, the indicator to the right changes from clear to solid black. If the
EUT is not being initialised via the MT8852A RS232 control interface, the MT8852A
aircode must be set to match the setting of the EUT.
9. Finally, with all settings made, an SCO connection can now be established. Move
the cursor to “SCO channel status” and select the channel or channels over which
communications will be performed. Because the HV packet types use varying
quantities of the total bandwidth, it may not be possible to select multiple channels
with certain packet selections. Refer to the table below.
Packet type
No. of channels
Testing the Audio Performance of the EUT Transmit
The performance of the EUT transmitter can be tested in isolation with the set-up shown
• Position the signal generator and analyzer as shown in the diagram below.
• Follow the procedure for “Testing the EUTs Audio Performance” but set the “SCO
Loopback” setting to “OFF” (step 8 in the procedure).
9-4 13000-000109
Audio Measurements June 2003