MT8850A / MT8852A Bluetooth Test Set Connector Care and Handling
DUT Connector
Anritsu Gauging
Set Model
Pin Depth
Pin Depth
Gauge Reading
N - Male
N - Female
01-163 207 -0.000
207 +0.000
WSMA - Male
WSMA - Female
3.5 mm - Male
3.5 mm - Female
Same as pin
Allowable DUT connector pin depth
Avoid over torquing connectors
Over torquing connectors is destructive; it may damage the connector center pin. Finger-
tight is usually sufficient for Type N connectors.
Always use a connector torque wrench (8
inch-pounds) when tightening WSMA, K or V type connectors.
Never use pliers to tighten
Avoid mechanical shock
Precision connectors are designed to withstand years of normal bench handling. However,
do not drop or otherwise treat them roughly. Mechanical shock will significantly reduce
their service life.
Do not disturb Teflon tuning washers on connector center pins
The center conductor on many RF component connectors contains a small Teflon washer
that is located near the point of mating. This washer compensates for minor impedance
discontinuities at the interface.
Do not disturb this washer. The location of the washer is
critical to the performance of the RF component.
Cleaning connectors
The precise geometry that makes possible the RF component's high performance can
easily be disturbed by dirt and other contamination adhering to the connector interfaces.
When not in use, keep the connectors covered.
To clean the connector interfaces, use a clean cotton swab that has been dampened with
denatured alcohol.
NOTE: Most cotton swabs are too large to fit in the smaller
connector types. In these cases, it is necessary to peel off most
of the cotton and then twist the remaining cotton tight. Be sure
that the remaining cotton does not get stuck in the connector.
Cotton swabs of the appropriate size can be purchased through
a medical laboratory-type supply center.
The following are some important tips on cleaning connectors:
Use only denatured alcohol as a cleaning solvent •
Do not use excessive amounts of alcohol as prolonged drying of the connector may be
Never put lateral pressure on the center pin of the connector
If installed, do not disturb the Teflon washer on the center conductor pin
E-2 13000-000109
June 2003