Top-line Messages MT8850A / MT8852A Bluetooth Test Set
13000-000109 A-3
June 2003
Error Codes
The vast majority of the top line error messages are self-explanatory and the required
course of action will be immediately apparent. The table below lists the messages for
which a note of explanation may be required.
Message Meaning
Error!< External HCI The MT8850A/MT8852A has been configured to be controlled
by an external device through its rear panel RS232 HCI
interface. To return to normal operating mode, press
CONFIG\MT885XA\System interfaces – and set “RS232
mode” to EXT COMMS.
Error!< GPIB test config When an instrument is in single test mode and configuration
change or data read is attempted for another test, this
message will appear.
Error!< in calibration
This message is output when trying to perform a test run whilst
the instrument is in calibration mode.
Error!< locked script It is not possible to edit a script that has been locked by
another user. To lock and unlock scripts, press Scpt/Test,
move the pointer to the script number and press the List soft
key. The status of all scripts is then shown and can be
changed using the soft keys.
Error!< non-editable
Scripts 1 and 2 are factory set to represent common test
requirements and cannot be altered by the user. To define your
own script settings use scripts 3 to 10.
Authentication failure The EUT has requested Authentication from the
MT8850A/MT8852A in order to complete a connection. Set
the “Authentication” item under Equipment Under Test to
Connection ended by
local host
The MT8850A/MT8852A ended the connection with the EUT.
Connection ended, low
The reason the EUT ended the connection was reported as
due to low resources.
Connection lost, timed
The MT8850A/MT8852A has not received any communication
from the EUT for a defined period of time. The default time is
10 seconds. It can be set under Config \ MT885XA \ RXTX
settings “Link timeout”.
Core busy, try again When driving the MT8850A/MT8852A via GPIB using the
auxiliary command, additional rules have to be applied as
listed below.
A. After a CONNECT command, check the connection
complete bit (CON) of the INS register or the ERRLST output
for the connection failure, before sending another command.
B. After the INQUIRY command, check that the inquiry is
complete using status bit (INQ) of the INS register before
sending any other commands except INQCANCEL command.