Using the Script Menu MT8850A / MT8852A Bluetooth Test Set
6. Press the
[1 of 3] soft key to move to the second screen.
Test control delay
The Test Control delay value can be between 0 and 100. When the MT8850A/MT8852A
sends a Test Control command (Loopback, TX or Test Pause) the EUT may require a
period of time to respond before it has actioned the Test Control. This time will vary
between differing Bluetooth developers implementations. Test control delay causes the
MT8850A/MT8852A to pause from measuring returned packets until the EUT has had
time to respond. The number entered is the number of transmitted packets from the
MT8850A/MT8852A that are ignored before measurements are started.
Test Pause Test Control
The Test Pause test control is defined in the Bluetooth specification to improve the
efficiency of device testing. If an EUT does not support test pause, use of test pause can
de disabled in the following manner.
1. Move the cursor to “Test Pause” and press the
key to change the setting to
EUT Settings on Connection
The two settings on the screen above that appear below test pause are set by default to
“ON” and should be left at this setting unless required as detailed below.
When the MT8850A/MT8852A connects with an EUT it is required by the specification that
the power be set to maximum. However, as it has been found that this requirement may
pose a problem for certain EUTs in development, it is now possible to set “
Set EUT max
pwr on connection
” to “OFF”.
In a similar manner to the setting above, it is also possible to set
“Read EUT name on
” to “OFF”. Under normal circumstances, the user-friendly name is read when
a connection is established. However, for certain EUTs still in development, this may
result in a dropped link, and for this reason it can be set to “OFF”.
13000-000109 8-7
June 2003 Setting Up General Script Parameters