Bytes to Follow: 1 byte
1) Serial Port Echo Status
00h = Off
Site Master Returns: 1 byte
1) 255 (FFh) Operation Complete Byte
224 (E0h) Parameter Error : Invalid serial port echo status
238 (EEh) Time-out Error
Site Master VNA Single Sweep Mode On/Off – Control Byte #11 (0Bh)
Description: Enables or disables the Single Sweep Mode during Site Master VNA modes of operation. For Single Sweep
Mode during Spectrum Analyzer mode of operation, see control byte #108 (6Ch). Single Sweep Mode activates once the Site
Master exits from the remote mode.
When the Site Master returns to local mode, the Site Master stops sweeping, waits for either the Run/Hold Key of the Site
Master keypad or triggering byte #48 (30h).
Site Master also checks for the Enter Remote byte #69 (45h) at the end of each sweep. If present in the buffer, Site Master
returns to remote mode.
Bytes to Follow: 1 byte
1) Single Sweep Mode Status
00h = Off
Site Master Returns: 1 byte
1) 255 (FFh) Operation Complete Byte
224 (E0h) Parameter Error : Invalid single sweep mode status
238 (EEh) Time-out Error
Watch-Dog Timer On/Off – Control Byte #12 (0Ch)
Description: Enables or disables the Watch-dog timer. Default is Disabled.
The Site Master incorporates a watch-dog timer for higher reliability in serial communication. In selected control bytes (see
Control Byte Summary), the Site Master checks for the time interval between each byte received from the computer. If the
time interval exceeds the set time limit (0.5 sec), the Site Master notifies the computer by sending Time-out Byte #238 (EEh).
The Site Master discards the data it just received and then waits for the next control byte sequence.
Bytes to Follow: 1 byte
1) Watch-dog timer On/Off
00h = Off
Site Master Returns: 1 byte
1) 255 (FFh) Operation Complete Byte
224 (E0h) Parameter Error : Invalid watch-dog timer status
12 Site Master PM