189) Cable Loss
190) Cable Loss (lowest byte)
191) Average Cable Loss
(highest byte)
192) Average Cable Loss
193) Average Cable Loss
194) Average Cable Loss (lowest byte)
195) Status Byte 1: ( 0b = Off , 1b = On)
(LSB) bit 0 : Marker 1 On/Off
bit 1 : Marker 2 On/Off
bit 2 : Marker 3 On/Off
bit 3 : Marker 4 On/Off
bit 4 : Marker 5 On/Off
bit 5 : Marker 6 On/Off
bits 6-7 : Not Used
196) Status Byte 2: (0b = Off, 1b = On)
(LSB) bit 0 : Marker 2 Delta On/Off
bit 1 : Marker 3 Delta On/Off
bit 2 : Marker 4 Delta On/Off
bits 3-7 : Not Used
197) Status Byte 3: ( 0b = Off , 1b = On)
(LSB) bit 0 : Single Limit On/Off
bit 1: CW On/Off
bit 2: Trace Math On/Off
bits 3-5 : Not Used
bit 6 : Limit Type ( 0b = Single; 1b = Multiple)
bit 7 : Unit of Measurement (1b = Metric, 0b = English)
198) Status Byte 4:
(LSB) bit0-1:DTFWindowing Mode
bit: 1 0
0 0 - Rectangular (No Windowing)
0 1 - Nominal Side Lobe
1 0 - Low Side Lobe
1 1 - Minimum Side Lobe
199) Status Byte 5 (Cal Status):
00h : Calibration Off
01h : Standard Calibration On
02h : InstaCal Calibration On
03h : Standard FlexCal On
04h : InstaCal FlexCal On
200) VNA Signal Standard
(higher byte)
201) VNA Signal Standard (lower byte)
202-324) Not Used
325-1364)Sweep Data (130 points * 8 bytes/point = 1040 bytes)
325-2396)Sweep Data (259 points * 8 bytes/point = 2072 bytes)
325-4460)Sweep Data (517 points * 8 bytes/point = 4136 bytes)
8 bytes for each data point
1. gamma
(highest byte)
52 Site Master PM
155 Average Cable Loss is dB * 1000.
156 Index into Standard List (use control byte #89 to retrieve the ASCII string name). “No Standard” sent as FFFEh
157 Gamma data uses 1/10,000 units.