990-7031D, Revision 5 5/01
Battery Replacement Procedure - 5U Rack Mount Units
5000 VA
1. Reach into the finger pull and open the front cover. Swing the cover open as shown.
For 5000 VA units: Remove the front bezel by grasping the finger clips on the side of the
bezel and carefully loosening the four (4) snaps. Skip to step 3.
2. Unhook the side of the cover from the chassis and lift it away to expose the battery door.
5000 VA
1400 VA
5000 VA
3. Use a screwdriver or a coin to remove the two (2) battery door screws and open the door.
4. Disconnect the front battery pack:
For the 1400 – 3000 VA models, gently but firmly pull the red and black wires at the top of the
battery housing to disconnect the gray connector plug from the UPS.
For the 5000 VA model, grip the white cord on the front set of batteries and pull firmly to
disconnect the connector.
5. Pull the front battery out of the UPS by pulling on the clear label, not the white cord. Remove
the foam spacer and set it aside. (The 5000 VA unit does not use foam spacers.)
Be careful removing the batteries - they are heavy. Support the bottom of the batteries as you
remove them.
The 5000 VA model has four sets of batteries.
1400 VA
5000 VA
6. Reach into the battery compartment and grasp the white cord on the other battery connector.
Pull firmly to disconnect the connector and remove the rear set of batteries.
7. Slide the rear set of new batteries into the unit.
For 1400 – 3000 VA units: Hold the connector down below the top of the batteries and
toward the door, otherwise the assembly will not fit.
Guide the connector over the top of the batteries and press firmly to connect it to the rear
connector of the battery compartment.
For 5000 VA units: Hold the battery pack so that the leads are on the right-hand side.
Slide the battery pack into the UPS.
Press the gray connector into the plug at the top of the battery compartment.
Tuck the white cord (that serves as a handle for the connector) neatly to the side.
8. Set the foam spacer (if used) against the rear batteries to prevent the wires from being
9. Slide the front set of batteries in, then guide the connector over the batteries and press firmly
to connect it to the front connector of the battery compartment.
For the 5000 VA model, repeat steps 4 through 9 for the second set of batteries.
Small sparks at the battery connectors are normal during connection.
10. Close the battery door, replace the screws, and replace the front cover.