990-7031D, Revision 5 5/01
Appendix B: Types of Racks and Mounting Hardware
This appendix describes the hardware required for the different types of racks and describes the type of racks that may be
used in your industry. All APC rack mount units are shipped ready for 19-inch wide EIA/IEC rack cabinets. Some rack
mount UPSs ship with rails included, otherwise, the rails are available as an option. Refer to the instructions included with
the rails when mounting the UPS.
There are different types of racks:
Equipment Rack - usually an open rack with threaded mounting holes or no threaded holes
APC Netshelter, IBM (Vero, others) - enclosed rack with square holes
Dell, Compaq (Rittal) - enclosed rack with square holes
HP Rack - enclosed rack with round holes
These racks differ in the methods required for mounting equipment. They may have threaded
holes (hardware not included), round holes (require clip nuts), or square holes (require cage nuts).
See page 3 for examples of clip and cage nuts.
Telecomm Rack - open rack with two poles / four poles and threaded round holes (hardware not
supplied by APC).
Remove batteries to reduce UPS weight.
For larger, heavier units, installation requires two people.
Check the type of rack you have against the hardware required for mounting in the table below.
Rack Type Hole Type Hardware Required Hardware Included
Equipment Rack Threaded or
No Threads
See rack specifications if threaded.
If not threaded use APC hardware.
N/A if threaded. If not threaded
use APC hardware.
Netshelter/Compaq/IBM/Dell Square Cage nut, 10-32 screws 810-2008, 810-0002
HP Round Clip nut, 10-32 screws 810-2004, 810-0002
Telecomm Threaded See rack specifications N/A