MAX-AVP Audio-Video Player
9. If a disc is in the local drive, MENU will invoke the DVD Menu.
Troubleshooting Ethernet Communications
In case of Ethernet communications problems, check the following:
The Link (L) LED next to the Ethernet port should be on (FIG. 2). If not, check your cables
and connectors.
Connect a display device to the AVP to view the Configuration Page for the IP settings (IP
Address and Subnet Mask), and verify that these settings are appropriate for your network
Rack Mounting the MAX-AVP
The MAX-AVP comes with rack-ears, to allow mounting the unit in a standard 19" equipment rack - the
AVP will take up a single rack space.
The rack-ear kit includes two steel rack ears and eight sets of flat washers, split lock-washers, and nuts.
The MAX-AVP rack-ears (FIG. 3) feature four mounting posts, to provide a clean installation. These
mounting posts require that the rack-ears are secured to the unit from inside the chassis, so you will have
to remove the cover, as described below:
1. Turn off the AVP, and disconnect the power cord and all connecting cords.
2. Place the unit face up on a soft and dry flat surface.
3. On the rear panel, remove the four screws that secure the top of the enclosure to the bottom (FIG. 4)
and keep them in a safe place for further use:
FIG. 2 Ethernet port LEDs
L - Link LED
lights (full-on when the Ethernet cables
are connected and terminated correctly
A - Activity LED
lights when receiving data packets
Refer to the MAX Servers Instruction Manual (available online at www.amx.com), as
well as the individual Installation Guides for details and installation instruction on
MAX Servers.
FIG. 3 MAX-AVP rack-ears
FIG. 4 Remove the four screws that secure the top of the enclosure to the bottom
Mounting Posts (secure the Rack-Ear to the chassis)
Rack-mounting holes
(secure the chassis and rack-ears
to the equipment rack)
Remove the four screws that secure the top of the chassis to the bottom