MAX-AVP User Interface
MAX-AVP Audio-Video Player
Title: This searches the CD titles for a partial match.
Artist: Searches the Artists portion of the music details for a partial match.
3. Highlight and select the desired search type, and press SELECT to invoke the text entry field.
4. Use the alpha-numeric keypad on the remote controller to enter a search string, and press ENTER
to search.
The keypad on the remote controller works like most cell-phone keypads: Press the button
once to type the first letter of that button (“A” on the “ABC” / #2 button). Press the button
again to type the next letter for that button (“B”), and so on.
Watch the text entry field as you enter letters to verify that you are entering the characters
When entering more than one letter that is assigned to the same button on the remote
controller, wait until the cursor moves to the next position to enter the letters (approximately 3
seconds): the selected letter is always added to the search field at the cursors position.
5. Scroll through the search results list to highlight the CD you want to play, and press SELECT to
select the title, and open the Music Details screen for that CD.
6. The Music Details screen displays detailed information on the movie. The options on the Music
Details screen are described in the Music Details Page section on page 40.
7. When the Music Details screen opens, select the Play button (see Music Details Page section on
page 40), and press SELECT to begin playback.
Music Details Page
When you select a CD title in the Browse, Genre, Cover or Search Music pages, the Music Details page
is displayed, providing detailed information on the CD, as well as cover art (FIG. 27).
There are two options on this page:
Search operations depend on the detailed information that was entered for each disc
(either via WinMAX or BulkRipper). If a CD was added to the MAX server with
incomplete details, then it might not be found via certain search types.
FIG. 27 Music Details page