Using the SIM Manager
SIM Manager enables you to manage your contacts stored in the SIM card, as well as to copy contacts
from your device to the SIM card and vice-versa.
To launch the SIM Manager, tap > Programs > SIM Manager.
Create a new
contact on the SIM
Tap New and then key in the contact name and phone number. Tap Done
when nished.
Select/deselect all
contacts on the
SIM card
To select all contacts on the SIM card, tap Menu > Select All. To deselect all
contacts, tap Menu > Deselect All
Copy a contact
from the SIM card
to the Contacts list
on the device
Select the contact entry that you want to copy. Tap Menu > Copy to
Contacts, then tap Copy.
Copy or retrieve a
contact from the
Contacts list to the
SIM card
Tap Menu > Retrieve from Contacts. The contacts stored on your device is
displayed. Select the contact entry that you want to copy or retrieve from your
device to the SIM card, then tap Retrieve.
Delete a contact on
the SIM card
Select the contact that you want to delete, then tap Menu > Delete. From the
conrmation screen, tap Delete.
Call or edit a
Tap and hold the contact that you want to call or edit, then tap Dial or Edit.