Google Maps Mobile
Google Maps Mobile is a free map service from Google that allows you to get trafc updates, driving
directions, business listings, and satellite images on your device.
• Some functions of Google Maps Mobile may not work depending on your location.
• Google Maps is only available in these countries: Russia, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Belgium,
Switzerland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, United Kingdom, Taiwan, and China.
• Google Maps Mobile (GMM) is solely provided by Google and Google may update GMM on its website at
anytime at its own discretion. If you encounter problems in using Google Maps Mobile, contact Google
To launch Google Maps Mobile, tap > Google Maps.
Get directions Tap Menu > Directions. In the Start point eld, key in the area
where you are coming from; and in the End point eld, key in the
area where you are going to. Tap when done.
Get a satellite imagery of
an area
Tap Menu > Satellite View.
Get live trafc updates Tap Menu > Show Trafc.