The lights next to the line buttons on your MERLIN Plus system voice
terminal allow you to know immediately the status of any of your lines. There
is also a light next to the Message button, and, on most voice terminals, there
is a light next to the Speaker button.
Lights Line Status
Red light steady This is either the line you are now
using or the line you will get when
you lift your handset.
Green light steady This line is busy.
Green light flashing This is the line on which a call is
coming in.
Green light flashing rapidly This is the line of a call you have
put on hold.
Green light flashing slowly This is the line of a call someone
else has put on hold from another
voice terminal.
Alternating flashing red and green Someone in the system has bridged
lights on a line you are using onto your call.
Green light on next to the Message This means that the attendant has
button a message waiting for you.
Green light on next to the Speaker
This means that the voice terminal
speaker is on. Without lifting the
handset, you can begin dialing, or
you can hear a conversation
through the speaker. However, for
others to hear you, you must lift
the handset.
Green light on next to the
You can answer and speak to
HFAI/Mic button on a 10-button others on intercom calls without
HFAI voice terminal or next to the lifting your handset.
HFAI button on a 34-button BIS
voice terminal
Green light on next to the
You can answer and speak to
Speakerphone and Microphone
others on all calls without lifting
buttons on a 34-button BIS voice
your handset.
MERLIN Plus System Features