
Assign Codes to
Account Numbers
An account number on a call report allows you to identify the person or
organization to whom the call should be charged. As you learned when you
planned your system, you can store account numbers in the system under
system speed dial codes. Your System Speed Dial Directory should show the
codes you plan to assign to your account numbers.
NOTE: The 3-character codes available for account numbers are the
same as those available for telephone numbers #60 through
#99. Do not assign the same 3-character code to both a telephone
number and an account number. If you use a client's telephone
number as that client's account number, you have to assign the
number a 3-character system speed dial code (for example, #61) for
speed dialing the client and another 3-character code (for example,
#81) for entering the number in the account number column on a call
To assign a system speed dial code to an account number and store it in the
system's memory, do the following:
If you haven't already done so, enter administration mode.
Find the account number in the System Speed Dial Directory, and dial the
3-character code (#60 through #99) you are assigning to that number.
Dial *88.
Dial the account number (up to 16 digits).
The console beeps twice on the sixteeth character to confirm the entry and to remind you that
you can't add any more characters to this entry.
The console does not beep for an entry of less than 16 characters.
Touch Administer.
The console beeps twice.
Repeat steps 2 through 5 for each account number you want to encode.
Continue to administer the system, or leave administration mode.
This concludes initial system administration. Your system should now be set
to meet your immediate business needs. As you become more familiar with
the system, and as your communications needs grow, you may want to add
some options or features. When you have time, take a few moments to look
through Section 5, "Reference," and read about the many other systemwide
options and programmable features available to you with your MERLIN Plus
Communications System.
Systemwide Options 3-23