
Field 3 Assigns the one console in the attendant partition that will be the controlling
console. All other members of this group must have control denied. Field encodes
and their descriptions are:
For all but the controlling console
Only for the controlling console
Field 4
Field 5
Assigns or associate the LDN with a particular console or console partition. The
number is dependent on the switch or private network numbering plan.
Assigns or associate the NPA-NNX designator with the console or console partition.
The encode must be the same as that defined in procedure 354, word 3.
Procedure 014 Word 1: BCCOS Routing Options
This procedure is required to administer the attributes of each BCCOS assignment. A Generic 2
permits up to a maximum of 256 different numeric assignments. The switch software is supplied with
numbers (0 through 8) already defined. Each number (0 through 8) has different default
parameters. Therefore, each number is unique and may be applied to a different type of routing
configuration. It is currently believed that these numbers may be applied to meet the needs of most
routing configurations.
If it is determined that the existing BCCOS numbers do not meet the needs of a particular routing
configuration, then new numbers may be defined. New numbers should begin with 255 and continue
in descending order.
Differences Between System 85 R2V4 and Generic 2
With System 85 R2V4, BC and ISDN routing are administered in procedure 010, word 4; but,
with Generic 2 these are moved to procedure 014, word 1.
With System 85 R2V4, the switch assumes that all user data/information will be presented for
transmission in a form referred to as Restricted. Restricted means that the data/information is
encoded so that the all-zeroes octet will not occur. The DCP data modules encode user data
into the form Restricted.
With Generic 2, the switch administration software (procedure 014 word 1, field 3) assigns
whether user data/information is presented to the switch as Restricted or Unrestricted.
Unrestricted means that the data may contain the all-zeroes octet.
With System 85 R2V4, the AVD bit shows when a modem pool is required. With Generic 2,
the BCCOS with AAR and ARS shows whether a modem pool is required.
Figure 7-36, Procedure 014 Word 1: BCCOS Routing Options, depicts this procedure.