
If you are setting up a customized square system for the first time, you should begin
by removing all existing lines from each voice terminal in your system. If the primary
attendant needs to have access to all general-use lines, remove only those lines that
you are reserving for personal use from the administrator/attendant console. Follow
the procedure below to assign lines to buttons on the voice terminals in your system.
Remember that the lines will be assigned to buttons in the order in which you touch
Assigning Lines to Buttons
To assign individual lines to buttons in a standard or customized square system, follow
the procedure below.
If you have not already done so, enter administration mode by follow-
ing the boxed instructions on page 25.
Adm Tel.
The lights next to the administration mode buttons stop flashing, and the
green light next to
Adm Tel
remains on.
Dial the intercom number (14, for example) or touch the Auto Intercom
button for the voice terminal to which you want to assign lines.
If the voice terminals idle, a steady green light comes on next to its Auto
Intercom button, and the system gives a 2-beep signal for you to begin.
If the voice terminal is being used, the green lights next to the
Intercom button and
Adm Tel
flash rapidly. You must wait until the green
lights become steady or try again later. If you try to assign a line to a
busy voice terminal, you will hear a beep and will not be able to proceed.
Refer to the Voice Terminal Configuration Form to see which lines to
assign to this voice terminal. (If you plan a standard square configura-
tion, you will be assigning all your Iines to every voice terminal.) Steady
green lights come on next to any lines already assigned to the voice
Touch the appropriate line buttons to add or remove lines from this voice
terminal. The green light next to each line button tells you the current
status of the line. Each successive touch of a line button gives you one
of the following codes:
Green light on =
line is assigned to this voice terminal
Green light ofl =
line is not assigned to this voice terminal
The order in which you touch the line buttons determines the order in
which lines appear on the voice terminal. For example, assume that
eight lines (lines AO through B2) are already assigned to the voice ter-
minal you are administering, and you want to add eight more. If you
touch the line buttons in the order in which they appear on the
administrator/attendant console (B3, B4, CO, etc.), they will appear in
the same order on the voice terminal. However, if you touch the button
for line C4 first, that line will appear on the first available button on the
voice terminal. If you touch the button for line CO next, line CO will ap-
pear on the button below the line C4 button, and so on. Be sure that
the correct telephone number for each line appears on the associated
button on the voice terminal.